50 years of experience
in your business sector
At Quasimodo, we know different business sectors have different requirements.
Your company operates in a specific business sector; you have specific needs and requirements. You wish to set yourself apart from your competition. You are cost conscious and driven by personalized service.
Certain benefits offered by our applications are common to many business sectors but our expertise with hundreds of companies since 1973 is a strong ability to understand companies needs and provide a business proven solution.
Strong relationships with our customers,
some for more than 35 years
Our dedicated team is more than willing to set-up a partnership in order to fulfill your objectives.
We maintain an ongoing dialogue with our customers to make them aware of new product offerings or developments that could improve their business efficiency.

We respond to your challenges...
This industry has its own challenges, and we bring you many options in order to address those challenges.
Specialty :
- Automate data exchange with customers/suppliers via our EDI offerings.
- Monitor gross profit margins, via our SCM Module (Supply Chain Management).
- Statistics and operational analysis via our Statistics Module.
This sector must pay attention to all cost elements and is subject to price pressure from economic cycles.
- Analyze cost vs sales via our accounting and costing module.
- Closely manage costs, raw material usage and inventory production via our Bill of Material and WMS.
- Set-up a detailed activity cost analysis, by cost center/department.
Businesses in the Food handling sector face stringent regulation, they need to:
- Ensure full traceability of all ingredients, recipes, raw material and finished goods.
- Ensure proper turnover and timely utilization of limited shelf life items.
- Improve the manufacturing and shipment cycles.
- Eliminate all possible sources of error with product shipping.
- Deliver on schedule.
- Amaro
- Mantab
- Maxi
- L’ancêtre
- Nutrinor
- Gaudet
- Margarine Thibault
We have acquired a high degree of industry knowledge where quality and prices are a constant challenge.
The industry must constantly :
- Monitor the quality of their products.
- Insure proper marketing coverage of their customer base.
- Provide timely delivery.
- Compile sales information on customers to better manage their accounts.
- Rinox
- Beto-bloc select
- Distribution Beto-briq
- Webster
- Montréal Brique et Pierre
- Alliance Gator
- Bloc de ciment Mirabel
This sector also has its own industry specific requirements and our PowerWare-ERP has been extensively programmed to meet the special needs of this important industry.
- Our Price and Promotion Module will help realize the full economic potential of your relationship with your customers.
- Our Statistical reporting Module can generate sales and commissions related to your Promotional campaigns, thus enabling you to track the performance on a per-campaign basis.
- Our tools can manage complex commission calculations and report the results quickly and accurately.
- Our WMS (warehouse management system) will help eliminate costly shipping errors.
Like with Food handling , these are industries subject to strict regulations. For companies who import and export, the challenges are even greater.
Because they need to:
- Control their costs components very well, such as currency, transport, duty, marketing costs.
- Insure full traceability of all DIN items.
- Optimize the batching of manufacturing process in order to reduce costs and optimize inventory turn over.
- Cosmétiques France Laure Paris
- Kefiplant
- Homeocan
- Silhouet-Tone
The businesses in this sector operate in a highly competitive environment and must deliver a high degree of services. The distribution industry faces major challenges. The critical issues of inventory control, precise landed cost calculation, fulfilment of shipping, elimination of expired product, are well covered in our PowerWARE-ERP.
Among the variety of our offerings, some will address specifically the improvement of the productivity in distribution world, namely:
- You wish to send information via Outlook or FAX, or Quotations, order confirmation. Our Web services deliver your need to facilitate and reduce the workload of order entry staff.
- You wish to fill your orders with exactitude and speed by pointing its location; our WMS (Warehouse Management System) and facilitates all inventory transactions from receiving, transfers to shipping. Our WMS has rich wireless functionalities.
- You wish to improve the accuracy of your landed cost calculation, enabling you to better negotiate your sales price, our SCM (SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT) is for you.
- Cobra
- Hunter Brand
- Industries Desormeau
- Industries Jessar
- Les Variétés P. Prud’Homme
- Literies Universelles Paga
Publishing companies supply numerous titles to a wide customer base and also publishes new titles.
Our mandates usually covers some unique needs :
- Optimize the inventory with our SCM (Supply Chain Management) Modules.
- Facilitate all aspects of inventory management, put-away, reservation, picking, shipping verification and deliveries.
- Manage and account for royalties with authors through the Royalties Management Module.
- Groupe Sogides Inc.
- Promotions Rodel
- Les Éditions Héritage Inc.
- Les Presses de Polytechnique
- Wilson & Lafleur
Le secteur de l’Énergie est un secteur complexe avec de nombreuses spécificités dans le système de taxes et de tarification. La gestion des collectes et livraisons nécessitent de communiquer avec des interfaces machines.
Here are the benefits of Powerware :
- Flexibility in Unit if measures and Pricing er customer.
- Tax management for all Canada.
- Truck interfaces in order to manage quantities collected and delivered automatically.
- Manage cylinders
- Consumption simulator to predict demands and deliveries.
- Maintenance and other mandatory controls are managed inside Powerware
- AA Propane
- Core Fuels
- Groupe Crevier Lubrifiants
- Lubri-Delta
- Pétroles Beslisle
- Pétro-lub
- Red Cap Propane
- RS Bulk Propane Inc.
Les fabricants d’équipements s’apparentent aux fabricants de produits métalliques par la source de leurs matières premières, l’acier et autres métaux; mais il s’y ajoute toute la complexité de la réalisation des équipements qu’ils soient de déneigement, de transport, de construction ou encore de projets d’équipement fait sur mesure.
Their specific functions included :
- Follow-up of warranty by serial numbers.
- Tracking of component lists and sub-assembly.
- Linking into a computer assisted software.
- Manage all phases of the production.
- Équipements Normand
- Fournier
- Panneaux 3D
- Transworld Signs
- Val Métal